
Of boys and numbers...

[This is what my friend Jackie told me after I finished conveying to her my problem of giving my phone number to boys that I don't really care to hear from again....ever.]

me: I wish that I didn't have such a problem with giving my number out. I need to just get rid of my cell phone, or randomly change my number like Michael T does sometimes. And then never give my number to ANYONE. EVER. Except for you.

jackie: Right. I think that would best solve this issue. Or maybe just saying "no". You know, like:

Desperate Needy Guy/Emotionally Unavailable Guy: Hey, can I get your number?

You: Are you desperate and needy? Or emotionally unavailable? Or did you, at some point, get kicked in the head by a cow?

DNG/EUG: Yes. To one or all of those.

You: No, you cannot have my number. Sorry. No.

DNG/EUG: Siggggghhhhhh.

Yes, you have to put up with that ugly sigh of disappointment, but at least you don't ever have to worry about calling them back, right? Or maybe, when you give out your number, you should include a small business card with some sort of I-may-not-ever-return-your-call warning. That way at least they would be aware of the situation beforehand.

[jackie. you are the best ever.]


10,000 feet and climbing....

I love flying. End of story.

[that's my dad on the right]


Elevator guts.

So, apparently this is what the inside of an elevator looks like. Neato.
This is a view of the inside of one of the elevators in the State Capitol.
You are one of the few to be able to see this. Consider yourself lucky.
Via, ME.



A conversation between my cousin and her mom about
Pedro in this picture (taken on our latest trip to Spokane)...

Me to my mom: "There is Pedro, on Richae.."
Mom "He's the .. worm..??"
Me "Um, well, no?"



Pedro insisted that he come with me to Spokane this time around.
He also insisted on riding on the front of the car, but I didn't let that one fly.


If Audrey Hepburn had a moustache.

Audrey Hepburn is one of the most
beautiful women EVER to have lived.
Pedro, however, thought that she could
have more potential. With a mustache.


Turning one.

My little pseudo-niece turned one.
Time really does fly.


car rainbow

There has been some great rainbows around Boise lately.
A lot of them, seeing as it has been hurricaning so much.
Anyways, I saw one on my drive home from work the other
day and thought how I should snap a shot. But....I was being
too lazy to actually find a place to take a nice shot. Instead
I grabbed the camera from the backseat and took this
picture. While driving. On a busy road. I probably looked
retarded. Oh, and it might have not been altogether safe.


Warmer weather.

I decided this evening was the perfect time
to break out the camp chair and sit on the
back porch to do some work on my computer.
The Little Jerk decided to join me for a few
minutes on a branch just above my porch.
[he didn't have the guts to come try to steal a piece
of my porch couch's soul with me sitting so near]

Meanwhile, Keller kept post at the window.
It's kind of "his spot". Awwww.

Summer is definitely on its way. And I am quite pleased.



I came home the other day to see Pedro waiting
to be let in. Apparently he forgot his keys when
he left in a hurry. Still not sure where he went,
or why, but apparently he just needed a quick
vacay. My good friend, Pfost, gave him a ride
home. Luckily he found Pedro, because I'm
pretty sure that the Mustache also forgot his
cell phone to call me for a ride home.


Almost one.

she's cute when she's not crying.


Keller, Skylight Specialist.

With rain comes leaks, when it comes to skylights. That is
why Keller was keeping a close eye on the situation last night.


Travel Buddy

Driving for the first time to Spokane alone and unattended, clearly
I needed a travel buddy. My garden gnome quickly volunteered to
tag along. As you can see, he traveled safely buckled up in the seat
next to me. Yes, I did buckle a gnome up in my car for 400 miles.


Caught red handed. Or...pawed?

Caught him sneaking away another part of my
couch's dear soul (aka, the stuffing). The jerk.


a rainstorm on my stairs

Skylights are GREAT. Except when it is wet outside. When this happens, my GREAT skylight leaks. So much so that I run around frantically lining my stairs with bowls and containers to catch the oncoming rainfall. As you can see, Pedro did what he could to help.

the culprit.

yes, i realize that this picture is from last summer. but this sneaky little jerk has been ripping apart my patio furniture all winter long. and by patio furniture i mean sofa. yes, i have a back patio sofa, but that's beside the point. the real issue here is that this furry little devil has been destroying my belongings. watch out, sir. revenge is near.


meet Pedro.

yes, Pedro is a mustache.

[Pedro has had a fairly traumatic life thus far. don't ask.]


phobias. of sorts.

So, I nanny for my boss and his wife 3 days a week. These people are like family to me...almost. They tell me to make myself at home, and use anything I want to, including anything I would like to eat. I drink a protein drink every day, sometimes with water, and occasionally I will mix in a little milk to make it a little more tasty. The other day I decided that I was going to need some milk with my protein drink...but alas the milk jug was unopened (dun dun dun).

I have a phobia. Of sorts.

I cannot open something (milk jug, for example) that is unopened when it's not mine. Just can't do it. So I was forced to stick with water.

[I decided that there HAD to be a name for a phobia of not being able to
open unopened things, but Google let me down, and I found nothing.]


the kids

To clarify, these are NOT my dogs. I'm not really a small dog person,
just fyi. These two little guys belong to a co-worker, and this picture
was taken for his wife for a Valentine's Day gift. Cute, eh?


A fool for love...

[you might have to click on the image to see it bigger for the full effect]


inauguration day

[this is back in the day when he came to Boise]

oh inversions, how i love thee

but only when i'm above you, looking down at the valley trapped down in you.
my, how i love the sun.

[took this one from Bogus...via cell phone camera]


asian girls

This photo needs some explaining. This one is from over a year ago...at the BSU homecoming parade. I was wandering along the parade route when I came across these 4 asian girls. For whatever reason, I thought they were hilarious. Not only the borderline ridiculous outfits they were wearing...but the way that they were standing. I very so slyly pointed my camera in their direction as I walked by....

I really don't know why I think this photo is so HILARIOUS, but I do.


i don't like babies

but tell me you can't love this one.
i seem to have a weak spot for her.