
A fool for love...

[you might have to click on the image to see it bigger for the full effect]


inauguration day

[this is back in the day when he came to Boise]

oh inversions, how i love thee

but only when i'm above you, looking down at the valley trapped down in you.
my, how i love the sun.

[took this one from Bogus...via cell phone camera]


asian girls

This photo needs some explaining. This one is from over a year ago...at the BSU homecoming parade. I was wandering along the parade route when I came across these 4 asian girls. For whatever reason, I thought they were hilarious. Not only the borderline ridiculous outfits they were wearing...but the way that they were standing. I very so slyly pointed my camera in their direction as I walked by....

I really don't know why I think this photo is so HILARIOUS, but I do.


i don't like babies

but tell me you can't love this one.
i seem to have a weak spot for her.