
Only because Brandy said I wouldn't....

Yep, I don't typically write on here...there is a reason for that – I'm not a writer. But because, and ONLY because, my friend Brandy said that I wouldn't do this little task she so willingly volunteered me for....I clearly have to do it. Basically the assignment is this : Write 7 random facts about myself. So here goes. This is for you, lady.

1. I love to sit on roofs. I used to live in this apartment where you could easily ("easily" is certainly a matter of perspective) access one of the flattest roofs in Boise. Hands down the best place to watch the stars ever.

2. Taking one of my two longboards down an empty parking garage is a favorite pastime. It's been a while since I've actually done it. [And it's not totally legal, so don't tell anyone.]

3. I have injured myself more with skiing than any other one thing in my life. Black eye, concussion, whiplash..etc., etc.

4. When I decide that I'm smart, I always decide to start doing crossword puzzles. Ironically, they usually end up making me feel fairly inadequate when I can only figure out 3 of the 147 flipping down and across words.

5. I LOVE taking pictures of people on my camera phone when they don't know I'm doing it. Mostly when it's someone that is ridiculously out of hand, whether by outfit or personality. Once the secret photo is snapped, it is immediately sent to one of several choice friends. Mostly to my cousin. She gets my skewed sense of humor. We are SO related.

6. Although I'm not as bad as I used to be, I am a bit of a coffee snob. My personal favorite espresso is at the Flying M Coffeehouse, in downtown Boise. Some people will argue that Dawson Taylor is the place to go...and I can't really argue that, because I think they're pretty dang good, too. But hands down, the best espresso I've ever had is at Stumptown Coffee. Wish we had one in Boise.

7. I have a secret fear/obsession with spotlights. When I see one I can't look away from it, but at the same time I'm freaking out a little on the inside. Weird, I know.

There you go, Brandy. All for you. Because clearly I cave under peer pressure. ;-(


Brandy said...



Charissa_lynn said...

That was definitely NOT one of the easiest roofs to get onto thank you very much, if you remember correctly I struggled a great deal to get up there ha ha

Candace Sweigart said...

Merry Christmas Richae!

Thank you for the sweet comments on our blog. And I loved reading these interesting facts about you. :) You are such a funny and original person....I love that about you. Now I know where Bec gets her crazy obsession about rooftop star gazing.

Love you,